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Welcome To My Wonderful School "Inferno". :)

      Welcome To the Wonderful School Of How Do I Say?.. "Inferno"
        So, This is my first blog post my blog will be about the many out of the normal activities that go on in my life and hopefully a web show will be coming soon.

       Christmas Vacation has started and this should be wonderful right? Wrong. Well first of all i am a student attending Henry Ford Academy School of Creative Studies (Its A Long name I know, Get over it) Now when i first started attending HFA:SCS as its first new batch of students, or as I'd like to call first batch of experimental rats, I thought it would be like any normal school except with a more creative theme to it. But boy was I wrong.
     The first year was one thing (To read more about the first year at HFA:SCS Click this Link : creator, Evan Crawford.) but this second (For more information on HFA:SCS's Second year Checkout these links: , Stephanie's Blog There should be more post up soon) should definitely be another.
      The big change from last year and this year is that the teachers nearly half of all the students who "we are supposed to make a bond with and become a 'Family'" they were either all fired or most of them were fired. Isn't that great to start of with?
      Oh Yes, and then The What i like to call "Newbies" start rolling in. And of course they think that they're doing something. And unfortunately some of them prosper but most fall. And don't get me wrong this isn't some "Ghetto Detroit Public School" its an "Overly Exaggerated Near Ghetto, Trying To Be A School Different From Most With The Word 'Creative' In Its Long Name". You see? that's a big difference. :).

      This is my first blog post and there will be more coming up soon this is just an appetizer to the full meal Please give out as much feedback as possible. And Thanks. :)

-Baileyy Nycolee-


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