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It Ain't Easy.
Self Expression Poem : "Compromise is Our Demise"
Are they
lesser, are they more?
How much do we
value this thing called education?
Is “getting” a
grade simply enough?
I mean as long as we keep this “standard” it shouldn’t
Let’s compromise. After all compromise will be our demise.
Why accept this “standard”? The norms we choose to live by.
Why assimilate in to a culture where success
And being the best is a non-existent terminology?
But as long as it applies to us all; we’ll be alright,
We rush and we rush, not to understand, not to comprehend,
And not to give us an upper hand.
We rush to
become ones who’ll be later pushed aside.
Our Youth, Our Youth!
They’re the most important things not just of today but of tomorrow.
They’re the future, they’re our futures; but let’s go ahead
and loose em’.
Loose them to the standards.
Prep them for when they’ll have to be the leaders of
Let’s cheat them through, but it’s okay it doesn’t really
Are they lesser, are they more? Why let them explore?
The standards are our norms…
And we’ll all
We’ll compromise and compromise
By: Bailey Morgan
© Itzbaileyable
My Portfolio Artwork 2012
So I actually got hold of some of my artwork from last semester with D.N.A.W., under the instruction of Leigh-Ann Foshee.
This was a grouped piece where I recreated and essence of the fairytale Red Riding Hood. I created a 8-10ft sculpture of the red cape that looked as if it stood alone over a stained wood organic shaped board, entitled "Not Just a Fairytale". Inside was a tree stump surrounded with moss and sticks and twigs, representing the forest. The installation was meant to look intimidating because of the size, but unusually warm and cozy within.
In addition, I created a glass mosaic that also reflected the fairytale, entitled "A Wolf in Her Clothing". It flipped the script of the common story, making the wolf the girl.
*Monday and Friday's post 4.14.13
Consumed with the Desire
Warning.... In this post, I've gone completely geek.
I'm consumed with the desire to play.... SW:TOR (Star Wars: The Old Republic). It's no longer the two month phase I thought it would be. Let me explain... SW:TOR is an mmorpg, a massive multi-player online role playing game, it's the "spin-off" of Knights of the Old Republic I and II.The story line is amazing, I must thank Bioware for really upping their game. The game went free-to-play back in November of 2012 due to a large number drop in players. Since then the game has made a tremendous comeback and it's now thriving. The level cap for the game is 50, an expansion will be coming out soon changing the level cap to 55. If you're interested in the game you should definitely come and play! It's double xp weekends! You'd be a fool not to try it out. :)
I'm consumed with the desire to play.... SW:TOR (Star Wars: The Old Republic). It's no longer the two month phase I thought it would be. Let me explain... SW:TOR is an mmorpg, a massive multi-player online role playing game, it's the "spin-off" of Knights of the Old Republic I and II.The story line is amazing, I must thank Bioware for really upping their game. The game went free-to-play back in November of 2012 due to a large number drop in players. Since then the game has made a tremendous comeback and it's now thriving. The level cap for the game is 50, an expansion will be coming out soon changing the level cap to 55. If you're interested in the game you should definitely come and play! It's double xp weekends! You'd be a fool not to try it out. :)
Finally! It feels like I've been waiting for so long. I'm definitely excited, to go home sit back, chill, and get my gaming face on. I hope you've got better plans than me ha-ha. Are you on Spring Break yet? Or are you just ending? Share in the comment section below; Your plans or what you actually did during break. :)
TGISB, think that could start trending? Lol, never mind me just thinking aloud as usual ...just get back to what you were doing.
Finally! It feels like I've been waiting for so long. I'm definitely excited, to go home sit back, chill, and get my gaming face on. I hope you've got better plans than me ha-ha. Are you on Spring Break yet? Or are you just ending? Share in the comment section below; Your plans or what you actually did during break. :)
TGISB, think that could start trending? Lol, never mind me just thinking aloud as usual ...just get back to what you were doing.