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My Portfolio Artwork 2012

So I actually got hold of some of my artwork from last semester with D.N.A.W., under the instruction of Leigh-Ann Foshee.

This was a grouped piece where I recreated and essence of the fairytale Red Riding Hood. I created a 8-10ft sculpture of the red cape that looked as if it stood alone over a stained wood organic shaped board, entitled "Not Just a Fairytale". Inside was a tree stump surrounded with moss and sticks and twigs, representing the forest. The installation was meant to look intimidating because of the size, but unusually warm and cozy within.

In addition, I created a glass mosaic that also reflected the fairytale, entitled "A Wolf in Her Clothing". It flipped the script of the common story, making the wolf the girl.

*Monday and Friday's post 4.14.13


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