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Consumed with the Desire

Warning.... In this post, I've gone completely geek.

I'm consumed with the desire to play.... SW:TOR (Star Wars: The Old Republic). It's no longer the two month phase I thought it would be. Let me explain... SW:TOR is an mmorpg, a massive multi-player online role playing game, it's the "spin-off" of Knights of the Old Republic I and II.The story line is amazing, I must thank Bioware for really upping their game. The game went free-to-play back in November of 2012 due to a large number drop in players. Since then the game has made a tremendous comeback and it's now thriving. The level cap for the game is 50, an expansion will be coming out soon changing the level cap to 55. If you're interested in the game you should definitely come and play! It's double xp weekends! You'd be a fool not to try it out. :)


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