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Short Essay: What does the National Honor Society Mean to Me

The National Honor Society is an organization known nationwide, it’s an opportunity for individuals to connect share and explore different cultures. I recognize this opportunity and I will put forth all my effort to be a successful and contributing member of the Nation Honor Society.
 The essay question asks me what scholarship, leadership, service, and character means to me; the thing is, these four traits are not something that a person is simply born with. It is something that person develops over time due to experiences and just living life. Scholarship is important to me, it’s a characteristic that can define and create a person.  When I think of scholarship I think of academics, extra circulars, being a successful adult, and school in general.  Scholarship is important to me because even though my grades don’t define me, they definitely make a difference in the long run
. Leadership is also important to me, and my future. They say people are not born leaders, they become them; I agree. I was never born a leader in fact I was never “born” with any of the four traits a National Honor Society Member would possess. It took time, influence, and experience for me to become who I am today. Leaders inspire individuals to achieve greatness and to improve on greatness. Leaders have to possess strong and positive beliefs, good morals and values, ethics, knowledge, and a calm level headed mindset. When in group assignments I often take lead leading my group members and making sure that everything is being accomplished, everyone is on task, and most of all we’re all having fun doing it. Service is yet another trait that someone in the National Honor Society should possess.
 To serve and be of service is strongly synced with volunteering and helping the community and people around it.  I am involved in many things to help my community, I am in  D.N.A.W. (Detroit Neighborhood Arts Workshop), a program affiliated with the  C.A.P. (Community Arts Partnership); The 10th Grade Board; and Mustang Ambassadors, a group within the school who connects to help local organizations like Walk for Wishes, Adopt a Child, Gleaners, American Heart Association, R.E.A.D. and Bully Week. I strongly believe in giving back to my community because that is what shapes our future leaders and scholars of today.
Character wraps all the traits in one.  Character is what makes you, you; what people think of you, how you define yourself. Character and integrity go hand and hand; it’s what you do when no one is around to see. Having good morals and a great definition of who you are, what you are, and who you want to become keeps you on the right track to being a successful young adult and someone with good character. Character is what sets me aside from the rest, I believe that being different expressive and having individuality makes me a great asset to being a member of the National Honor Society.

Reflection on My Pre-College Experiences!

The CCS Precollege Summer Experience is a big opportunity not just for me but for all students with an interest in art. I was one of the students from the summer of 2011 I was lucky enough to be a part of this life changing experience. Not only did I learn to appreciate and learn the fundamentals of Graphic Design. I met friends whom have changed my whole outlook and perspective of life. When the program first began I thought to myself this is such a long time, how am I going to last? Building friendships with people as fa This experience is about, learning the tricks of the trades, meeting new friends, and connecting with instructors, mentors and staff that simply would not have been possible in a school year. 2012 is definitely the year for me to be here. I have always been intrigued with how chairs, light fixtures, and bottles look I’ve always wanted to use simple shapes to create unfamiliar designs. I am happy to learn that this year the program has expanded to include Product Design as a major. I hope to gain the opportunity of learning the basics of Product Design, utilizing these resources to the best of my ability, finally dipping my toes in what I love and wish to pursue! Last summer at CCS I realized that I wanted to be an Industrial Product Designer.
r out as Zealand Michigan, Miami, and even Nice France. But I ended up creating bonds that can’t be broken; I fondly remember staying up late with my roommate until 5am trying to get prepared for a critique that began at 9am sharp. I remember having bonfires; water balloon fights on the rooftops, and going bowling at the local bowling alley.

Short Essay: Venezuelan Art

This is a short essay about Venezuelan Art for a Spanish Course I took my junior year. 

Venezuelan art is rich in color, for my project I decided to draw and design my own festival face paint.  My art was inspired by Venezuelan artist Jesus Rafael Soto and Carlos Cruz Diez. Soto’s art uses color and space. He often plays with perception and size; many of his works are installations. Diez’s work is more two-dimensional; however he also plays with color and perception. I took the common traits from their work, the color patterns and shapes.
In Venezuela celebration is important to their culture, traditions, and heritage. Color is vital during these celebrations. During these celebrations the cities are lit up, with beautiful decorations and clothing. Festivals in Venezuela are like big holidays to the United States, (It is similar to Christmas) where family and friends gather together to have a great time.            
I specifically chose “Carnival in Venezuela” which is an annual event. The Carnival happens in February and usually goes on for 40 days before Easter Sunday. Water balloons are thrown to celebrate. In 1853, a town called El Callao was founded by British, French and Americans in search of gold; they brought Africans to slave and do most of the labor.  The Carnival began as a way to abandon their differences for a few days and celebrate in unity. People dress up in colorful clothes, paint their faces, dance, and play music. The common color scheme are bright colors like reds, yellow, oranges, and whites to give a warm cheery festive feel.

Elevated Cultures

This is a creative writing piece for a sociology class I took my sophomore year of high school. 

The culture is located the western hemisphere this is a place embodied in multiculturalism. They are known as the Phoenix. They are born at aurora. They get primped and proper to attend Alma Mater.
Some peregrinate by lengthy jalopies, some by average jalopies and some may carriage back and forth. They check their repository before they arrive in their pigeonhole. They memorize the common art and trade of others, but specifically their own.
 Even if the art and trade is non-applicable to their future they continue to memorize it periodically.  Then they dine with one another thoughtlessly. In this land, time is non-existent as it’s already time for them to gather once more. Eventually they are released.
 They check their repository one last time. When released they sprint and the numbers flourish in frantic herds. Then afresh, they jaunt in their lengthy jalopies, they ride their average jalopies and some may like to carriage.
 Back where they were born they practice that same repetition, die into ash and they are born once more in aurora. As some may have begun to realize antediluvian... the day to day ritual reiterates. And the Phoenix rises once more.

Hamlet Act 5: My Alternate Ending

When dealing with the ending of a story there should be a lasting impact that helps to emphasize the overarching theme of the story. Shakespeare Act 5 follows Aristotle’s theory that is will end in a catastrophe, and that the protagonist will be worst off now than they were at the beginning. At the end of Act 5 of Hamlet, Claudius and Laertes plan to kill Hamlet fails and in return everyone dies, including Hamlet. This makes Hamlet’s plot of revenge embarrassing. My alternative ending is that Hamlet lives, and ultimately watches the others die, including Horatio. My ending is better because, it allows Hamlet a chance to see what comes out of revenge.
                Furthermore, the reason Hamlet ended in a collection of deaths was merely because the play was written to be a tragedy. According to Aristotle, “a dramatic tragedy ends with a catastrophe; in which the protagonist is worse off than they are at the beginning of the narrative,” this confirms why Shakespeare ended Hamlet in a series of deaths alongside the death of the protagonist, both to create a catastrophe and show that Hamlet is worse off at the end. Shakespeare chose a series of deaths because this was a dramatic example of Aristotle’s theory; this supported the idea that a tragedy has to be dramatic as well a catastrophic.
                My alternative ending for the play Hamlet, is for the protagonist to live after the end of Act 5, and for Horatio to die as well. If Hamlet were to live, he would see everything that his attempted acts of revenge did. I think that if Hamlet lived to witness all the death he caused he would suffer more, following Aristotle’s theory that, “a dramatic tragedy ends with a catastrophe; in which the protagonist is worse off than they are at the beginning of the narrative.” Hamlet would live to wallow in his guilt as well as feel embarrassed at the fact that his plot could have happened in Act 3, if he had not hesitated. This is also emphasized by Horatio’s death because he was Hamlet’s best friend who throughout the entire story only served to help Hamlet.
                My ending to the tragedy, Hamlet, is better because it just as Shakespeare’s ending aligns with Aristotle’s theory of Act 5, but my ending highlights the concept of living with the consequences of your actions, specifically acts of revenge. My ending leaves Hamlet alone, without a kingdom to call his own, full of regret, remorse and guilt. I think that my ending is far more tragic than Shakespeare’s because death, while still tragic has no consequence to the ones who are already dead.


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