The culture is located the
western hemisphere this is a place embodied in multiculturalism. They are known
as the Phoenix. They are born at aurora. They get primped and proper to attend Alma Mater.
Some peregrinate by lengthy jalopies, some by average
jalopies and some may carriage back and forth. They check their repository before
they arrive in their pigeonhole. They memorize the common art and trade of
others, but specifically their own.
Even if the art and trade is non-applicable to
their future they continue to memorize it periodically. Then they dine with one another
thoughtlessly. In this land, time is non-existent as it’s already time for them
to gather once more. Eventually they are released.
They check their repository one last time. When
released they sprint and the numbers flourish in frantic herds. Then afresh,
they jaunt in their lengthy jalopies, they ride their average jalopies and some
may like to carriage.
Back where they were born they practice that
same repetition, die into ash and they are born once more in aurora. As some
may have begun to realize antediluvian... the
day to day ritual reiterates. And the Phoenix rises once more.
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