It Turns Out.. That today in physical education we had a substitute. Our substitute said today we had a free day, meaning we could play any sport and use any peice of equipment except for the WII's Because she said "You won't be able to pay for it if you break it will ya?", so instead Stephanie and I decided to play basketball... it was going fine. then we eventually moved on to play a friendly game of Badmitten with two other students (No Names, lol) but further more another student went over to the WII and began playing on them after the substitute told us not to and she then came over and told them not to bother the WII, they claimed they were in the locker room and they didnt hear her... so she them gave them the "Stank Face". We continued to play Badmitten untill i accidently served the birdie and almost hit the sub. I quickly apologized but she still didnt refrain from giving me the "Stank Face" and nodding her head.
Around that time it was time to change for next class period so we go in the locker room everything is cool untill someones says... "Man i hate people who say that they are going to do something then never do it", then another girl walks over... and says "Are you talking about me?!" and..i thought well, Someones guilty! Haha, but then this conversation spiralled out of control when the person said "I'm not all talk, girl I'll beat you right here right now." and the other girl responded.... "Im Right Here." and the other then said... "Girl Bye, bald headed 'girl'" and she then replied, "Get on with that now obviously i have way more hair than you i mean really? looking like RuPaul, i mean you set yourself up for that one." the other girl looked puzzled and simply replied "Whatever i dont have time for this" and walked away... all i have to say is.. Someone Choked! Haha, but i guess in the end it was all resolved. At least they didnt do anything stupid. 
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