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Omg Girl, Real Talk! (R.T.)

I have one simple question. What's the new craze about people and them constantly saying "Real Talk"? I mean... you already sound "Ghetto" enough already why emphasize it? According to Real Talk means "The TRUTH or something that actually means what is it or the truth of the matter". I mean i dont get it, the phrase is constantly being Texted, and updated to nearly every social network, i mean RT! When is this thing gonna end? Come up with something more creative. Its gotten old. And that Travis Porter song, if i hear one more person singing that i feel like im just gonna rip their head off. Next time you hear that song, listen to the lyrics. Do you know what your saying when you sing it, but yet when someones says that to you, you get oh so offensive. WOW. Nvm.... RT. LOL.


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