This week has been hectic, studying and preparing for each and everyone of my classes. Woah, well i guess i am over exaggerating a bit but i hope my hard work pays off. Exams were pretty easy, I probably studied the hardest for Math. Pre-Algebra? "Pre" If thats just the beginning I mean... How much harder will it get?! I also studied for E.L.A. (English Language Arts) because for our final exam it was a debate and because we knew about the debate prior that meant our debate was supposed to be more intriguing. In third hour E.L.A. I can honestly say nearly everyone earned at least a 2 out if 3, the only big issue was people having order to the discussion. However that was the fun-nest part of the day.
Then later on in F.F. (Freedom Fellows) we went up to the third floor and began working on out workshop. Ehh, we got some work done but... we still have more work to do. Maybe its because.. a member just about had a panic attack at the fact that he/she didn't believe that we would finish the project on time... (No Names) :) So I ended up staying at school until 4:30 p.m., when we got out of school at 12:00 p.m.... But overall today was a pretty average day nothing out of the ordinary except for the fact that everyone is amazing leaving the school like all at once... well if you ask me, the ones who need to go continue to stay and the ones who should stay leave, So Uhh what does that tell you? Lol.
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