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Debit Card!

I feel so... AWESOME! I bought a Debit card ... Lol . Ok... Maybe it isn't all that great . But its helping me to reach toward my goals.. What ? You forgot? Need I remind you ?
<-------- There We go . ;) XL2! Of course! Isn't it beautiful ? Sorry, I'm in my Geek mode . But thats okay ... We all have those moments... Well most of us...

Moving along! Haha So far I have saved up ... 1 GA-BILLION dollars... Okay Okay , I Kid. But anyway... I'm nowhere near close! But My Youtube channel has been getting a lot more revenue, My subs have gone up more that 50 just over night... and yes that is alot for a beginner like me. But I'm keeping in mind what I'm aiming for... <3

Oh! On a last note, I might be getting a summer Job! Yay!  I don't quite have all of the details but I am definitely interested. The only news i have so far is that... The MINIMUM  Pay is 880.00$ For 4 Weeks! Not too shabby , Huh ? Lol .


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