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Quick Post: Its been a while...

So FINALLY! after I bought my domain name for my blog, I waited and waited. about Two Weeks , for my blog to be verified and it verified about 5 days after I bought it (When you buy it its supposed to take 3 days -___-) So I finally toyed with it enoguh so that I got my URL to finally work once again and I am so happy! I thought my blog had been deleted! Wow what a relief. Sorry that this is a quick post however I have a lot of work to get done! Oh and my youtube channel has been blowing up over the past few days I'm at about 600? or a little more? Anyway I'll post a link at the bottom . And Yea, You better subscribe, be friendly and go ahead and click the Add as Friend button while your at it. ;) Thanks for reading this post! Remember leave a comment! or message me and you could recieve a shoutout in one of my next post! :)

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Here's a Random picture:

Yep, ... Its A Cat .


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