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Short Stack!

Alright! So , I really think I officially, LOVE this band! Check out this band called Short Stack . And No they aren't a stack of pancakes! Lol, Actually they are a band from Budgewoi, Australia I believe ... Anyway, there are three band members named, Shaun Divney , Bradie Webb and Andy Clemmensen . Now they have quite a few great songs, However these are my favorites Listed below .
My Favorite Songs (So Far!) :

 " Darling I'll Be Your Werewolf " -

"We Dance To A Different Disco, Honey" -

"In My Hands" -

"Planets" -

"Sweet December" -

"Drop Dead Gorgeous" -

"Princess" -

"Ladies and Gentlemen" -

Here's a link to Their official website:

Awesome Right ? Lol . Anyway, Leave a comment or video response in the comment section below, or on the youtube channel located in the comments section .


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