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second week of my internship was also a slow experience. I was greeted by Mr.
Schock, where we sat in the college office and discussed ultimately what
product I wanted to work on. I decided to design something I was both
passionate about and could relate back to my second career choice. We discussed
how I could design a game console and how detailed of a product I would make.
Mr. Schock thought the idea was excellent but pushed me to think outside of the
box, and instead of trying to create yet another game console, think more along
the lines of how I can redesign the entire gaming experience.
Mr. Schock took me to look at the student work. He further discussed the class
he was teaching in the mornings (Warrior Sponsored Studio). He took me to see
some of the work from the previous show I wasn’t able to attend. I saw some
work from two of my friends I met from the College for Creative Studies’ Pre
College Summer Experience 2012. It was inspiring to see the work of my previous
Schock found an office area where I could work until I was ready to move on to
a more physical product. He also offered an opportunity to meet and work with a
college student assigning them as a mentor. A schedule and update on that is
still in the works. Moreover, I am having an excellent time at my internship we
have narrowed down my requirement on my product and I’m currently in my
research phase.
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