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Posted by
Bailey Morgan
earning gems ourworld dot com itzbaileyable user baileysaysrawr
Quick Post: Shameless Self Promotion
So... I've been amused by this game... And it'll help if you sign up by clicking this link. :) Thanks. And... New Post Soon Sorry I forgot to do my work ahead of time but I have a load of ideas for new post.
Or you can click the image that I'll put over in the sidebar. :)
Or you can click the image that I'll put over in the sidebar. :)
Countdown Stupidest PhotoTrends - #4 Horsemaning
HORSEMANING ? Okay... Well the name doesn't even sound remotely attractive... Lol. So Exactly why would I want to do this ? Idk... But some people find it appealing, Here's a what it actually looks like ...
It looks pretty cool actually However I still believe that the name certainly does not suit it well.
Indeed it is... I'm no so sure weather or not that's "good" or not but anyway I guess it's here to stay. :)
Horsemaning |
It looks pretty cool actually However I still believe that the name certainly does not suit it well.
- By Evann Gastaldo, Newser Staff"Forget Planking, Owling: 'Horsemaning' Is Here!"
Indeed it is... I'm no so sure weather or not that's "good" or not but anyway I guess it's here to stay. :)
Posted by
Bailey Morgan
90s itzbaileyable bailey morgan nycole youtube channel itzbaileyable wait why are you reading the tags? stupid.
I did it.
Well... It said Re-blog this... So... I just did. Say! 1 point For me!
![]() |
Geez... I wish this was pink. |
PS: Sorry! No post lately Hopefully I'll get back on schedule soon! My First Year of High School Hmm... How am I gonna juggle this all at once? :D
Posted by
Bailey Morgan
quick post random image elaphant butterfly blue updates chat about me contact me webshow lol friday
Quick Post : Updates
Here's a quick post giving a brief update, so I've been constantly updating the site and this is just a quick reminder to check out some of the other tabs! The Chat Tab is officially up an running! So check it out! All of the other tabs have also been completely updated. And on that note this is a quick post, so I'll just be done now.
Jeez, this post has no color so... Random Image! :
Link Here: Random Image! |
*Because this is such a short post I'll be sharing a video by one of my favorite youtubers later today. I promise i wont forget!
Cedar Point!
Hmm... Hint? Remember that? Yea Domo... Oh yea thats right! So... This summer was probably the best one of my life. Definitely a summer I will never forget... And Who last Monday I went to Cedar Point with a few of my good friends. For nearly the whole time I was trying to figure out if this guy was Joe Nation from youtube but I don't know maybe he was maybe he wasn't? I think I made him uncomfortable... Well I know I made one kid uncomfortable TIP OF THE DAY: Don't ask to touch people's hair in while riding a roller coaster. Ok anyway Im getting off topic again. So while at Cedar Point I spotted DOMO so I just had to win him! Finally, I did it took me 5 tries and now I have a Two and a half foot stuffed Domo doll in my bedroom. Lol.
This is my small Domo. :D |
Posted by
Bailey Morgan
new fresh look new attitude special template design quick post simple
New Look?
Have you noticed, oh yes! It looks brand new. Trust me when I say there was a lot of work put into changing my site. What do you think? Is it great... or is it great!? Well ... I'm not quite finished... But HTML editing is Extra Hard... No Seriously. I still want to add in a background which I'm not sure how to get that available for this template. If you can give me any pointer's that would seriously help out. Oh, and before I forget special thanks to ( Deluxe Templates ) ! Your template designs are AMAZING! It was hard to choose this one. ;)
On that note, I'll see you later next Monday. Here's a hint to what Mondays Post will be about...
QUESTION OF THE DAY: Do fish ever get thirsty?
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Most blogs are toilets full of opinionated vomit. I only ask for you to hold back my hair."
On that note, I'll see you later next Monday. Here's a hint to what Mondays Post will be about...
Guess Who? :) |
QUESTION OF THE DAY: Do fish ever get thirsty?
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Most blogs are toilets full of opinionated vomit. I only ask for you to hold back my hair."
I have been editing and coming up with video's and finding people to do a Collaboration Project with a few friends. (I don't want to speak about the secret project so soon) And on top of just that I'm an intern. I might not be able to post all that much this week or next because I'm going to Rhode Island! For work. Lol. To my few viewers I want to ask you the same thing I asked everyone else, ... Are you ready? Yes? Ok here it is...
So sorry that this is such a quick post and that it is a little off scedule . :( But today I was at my sports banquet . (Softball FTW!) Yea, today was hectick so sorry that I dont have a good post. Don't worry I will make up for this sad update . :) Tomarrow after our first game Hopefully . :)
So Check out thes "Epic Rap Battles of History" by nicepeter
So Check out thes "Epic Rap Battles of History" by nicepeter
The series goes on . So far i believe ther are around 10.
Quick Post: Its been a while...
So FINALLY! after I bought my domain name for my blog, I waited and waited. about Two Weeks , for my blog to be verified and it verified about 5 days after I bought it (When you buy it its supposed to take 3 days -___-) So I finally toyed with it enoguh so that I got my URL to finally work once again and I am so happy! I thought my blog had been deleted! Wow what a relief. Sorry that this is a quick post however I have a lot of work to get done! Oh and my youtube channel has been blowing up over the past few days I'm at about 600? or a little more? Anyway I'll post a link at the bottom . And Yea, You better subscribe, be friendly and go ahead and click the Add as Friend button while your at it. ;) Thanks for reading this post! Remember leave a comment! or message me and you could recieve a shoutout in one of my next post! :)
Youtube Channel :
Here's a Random picture:
Yep, ... Its A Cat .
Youtube Channel :
Here's a Random picture:
Yep, ... Its A Cat .
Debit Card!
I feel so... AWESOME! I bought a Debit card ... Lol . Ok... Maybe it isn't all that great . But its helping me to reach toward my goals.. What ? You forgot? Need I remind you ?
<-------- There We go . ;) XL2! Of course! Isn't it beautiful ? Sorry, I'm in my Geek mode . But thats okay ... We all have those moments... Well most of us...
Moving along! Haha So far I have saved up ... 1 GA-BILLION dollars... Okay Okay , I Kid. But anyway... I'm nowhere near close! But My Youtube channel has been getting a lot more revenue, My subs have gone up more that 50 just over night... and yes that is alot for a beginner like me. But I'm keeping in mind what I'm aiming for... <3
Oh! On a last note, I might be getting a summer Job! Yay! I don't quite have all of the details but I am definitely interested. The only news i have so far is that... The MINIMUM Pay is 880.00$ For 4 Weeks! Not too shabby , Huh ? Lol .
<-------- There We go . ;) XL2! Of course! Isn't it beautiful ? Sorry, I'm in my Geek mode . But thats okay ... We all have those moments... Well most of us...
Moving along! Haha So far I have saved up ... 1 GA-BILLION dollars... Okay Okay , I Kid. But anyway... I'm nowhere near close! But My Youtube channel has been getting a lot more revenue, My subs have gone up more that 50 just over night... and yes that is alot for a beginner like me. But I'm keeping in mind what I'm aiming for... <3
Oh! On a last note, I might be getting a summer Job! Yay! I don't quite have all of the details but I am definitely interested. The only news i have so far is that... The MINIMUM Pay is 880.00$ For 4 Weeks! Not too shabby , Huh ? Lol .
Short Stack!
Alright! So , I really think I officially, LOVE this band! Check out this band called Short Stack . And No they aren't a stack of pancakes! Lol, Actually they are a band from Budgewoi, Australia I believe ... Anyway, there are three band members named, Shaun Divney , Bradie Webb and Andy Clemmensen . Now they have quite a few great songs, However these are my favorites Listed below .
My Favorite Songs (So Far!) :
" Darling I'll Be Your Werewolf " -
"We Dance To A Different Disco, Honey" -
"In My Hands" -
"Planets" -
"Sweet December" -
"Drop Dead Gorgeous" -
"Princess" -
"Ladies and Gentlemen" -
Here's a link to Their official website:
Awesome Right ? Lol . Anyway, Leave a comment or video response in the comment section below, or on the youtube channel located in the comments section .
My Favorite Songs (So Far!) :
" Darling I'll Be Your Werewolf " -
"We Dance To A Different Disco, Honey" -
"In My Hands" -
"Planets" -
"Sweet December" -
"Drop Dead Gorgeous" -
"Princess" -
"Ladies and Gentlemen" -
Here's a link to Their official website:
Awesome Right ? Lol . Anyway, Leave a comment or video response in the comment section below, or on the youtube channel located in the comments section .
Nyan Cat
Ok , So recently I have been checking out this youtube named RayWilliamJohnson , known for his =3 Channel . Yes, he is hilarious. Not only does he has a main channel, Ranking the 2nd most subscribed Youtuber right under Ryan Higa, but he has Two other top channels that he updates. I can honestly say that he's probably the most frequent updater in my Tops. (List of tops are at the bottom) However, getting to my point, Ray updated about a video that has gone viral, and... amazingly it's like my new addiction , Lol . Wow. I know right, but watch the video before you judge it . Here's a video and a link .
And there's an extended version . And No, I couldn't sit through that one . Thanks for reading, don't forget to comment and send a message . :)
- Ryan Higa
- RayWilliamJohnson
- Shane Dawson
- Malum
- KevJumba
Leave a comment or video response, Check out the contact page to find out my youtube channel .
* Don't Agree? Tell me your top 5 youtubers! Leave a comment, and tell me what would be a great update for the future . :) Thanks!
So recently there has been an on going debate or controversy about weather or not MTV should keep the TV Sitcom SKINS on the air for it's second season.This is how I personally feel about the topic, My post is also on the page of the link listed below.
Skin's is the best show to come to MTV, why take it away? Its portrays the Actual Reality of Teens. If they Keep that team mom and 16 and pregnant CRAP on the air, why get rid of a show that actually makes sense and is universal to teens worldwide?
So, the point that I'm really trying to get across is that the quality of Skins and the concept and Message does not appeal to the ... " Parents Television Council", that it is appropriate for teenagers is crazy. IT IS REAL. The things that you see on the show is real life and can be related to many teens worldwide. However if the Parents Television Council want to block it because THEY find it unsuitable then what's next? Will they try to get rid of Sitcoms like ICarly or Shake it up? I mean come on now. Enough is Enough.
- Sign this petition if you are for Skins staying on the air for it's second season
Here's a Link to the first season I believe? Check it out. Rate the Quality of the show comment? 1,2,3,4, or 5 Stars? Lol. You Decide .
Anger is an Emotion and it is can be strong. And comes in many forms, However there are positive and Negative ways to release anger. I have recently discovered a way for me to rid my anger with out physically meantally or socially inflicting pain onto myself or someone else.I chose to create poetry to release my anger here's a few samples from my poetry book... or notebook, whatever you want to call it. Lol FYI, These have been patented, plagiarism is a law and will be acted upon if done so.
"A Little Pain"
Pain, Hate, Anger and Despair
The sudden urge to want to kill you dead.
This emotion flows evenly throughout these veins,
Someone must be slain.
Death, murder, and suicide;
soon we'll all have to decide.
I choose you and only you
May it be long, painful, and merciless.
I bid farewell to thee!
For all shall not miss the
one that ascended from
The frustration that is you
is that happiness that lies deep
within me.
Sorry, I am not. Your pain gives me
pleasure. I've given it lot's of thought;
For you pain is my gain
and I will not Refrain, from
continuing to flourish from your pain.
So Analyze it! Tell me what's what? What are your views and opinions on his blog post? Lol, Leave a comment or a video response int he comment section below. Get analytical, synthesize and evaluate! Winning .
Winning, My new Catch phrase. This is a quick update telling you all to watch this video that is stuck in my head unfortunately. Lol. Charlie Sheen All the way? Ok No. LOL, but this is funny .
QUESTION : Did you watch the KCA's? (Kids Choice Awards? What was the funniest part?
For me it had to be Willow Smith's performance. R-O-F-L . Wow. If she could become a big music artist then so can I. Bahaha. Anyway Comment or leave a video response below! :)
For me it had to be Willow Smith's performance. R-O-F-L . Wow. If she could become a big music artist then so can I. Bahaha. Anyway Comment or leave a video response below! :)
Quick Post: More, Views, More Comments= Better Blog
Wow! Over 1,000 views already seems like just a couple months ago i was just beginning to blog ... well it was a few months ago but thats not the point! Im aiming for the stars which in my mind is a domain name and eventually the camera of my dreams . . . Yep, Link's right there ;) I'm an ad-sense member so I earn money
towards that camera when I get views and clicks from you! the readers. Thanks so much for your support. Its great. Post will be back on schedule updating frequently on a 2-3 day basis.
I've learned something... Never Let what anyone say discourage you . No matter if it is about your gender, age, sexuality, or anything else in between Just remember that you can do anything if you work hard and put you mind to it. "Any thing is possible, The Sky is the limit"
Check out this video by Shane Dawson support him, he's a great youtuber Im rooting for him I hope he gets his TV show, He deserves it. :)

towards that camera when I get views and clicks from you! the readers. Thanks so much for your support. Its great. Post will be back on schedule updating frequently on a 2-3 day basis.
I've learned something... Never Let what anyone say discourage you . No matter if it is about your gender, age, sexuality, or anything else in between Just remember that you can do anything if you work hard and put you mind to it. "Any thing is possible, The Sky is the limit"
Check out this video by Shane Dawson support him, he's a great youtuber Im rooting for him I hope he gets his TV show, He deserves it. :)
Why is it that when someone tells you that there’s billions of stars in the universe, you believe them. But if they tell you there’s wet paint somewhere you have to touch it?
If you have a better question leave a comment or video response and it could be featured.
Amazon Associates, What's Your Interest?
I am officially a member of Amazon Associates and i can send out ads for different pieces of technology and give out great deals! If you are looking for clothes, or games or anything in-between just leave a comment or a message! Here's an example of what i can do.
↓ ↓ ↓
↓ ↓ ↓
And Many More...
Quick Post: Niga Higa
No School Today !! Ready to chill and relax I will be posting more frequently today my goal is 5, to make up for the days I missed Thanks. Check out this awesome You Tuber, he has over 3,000,000 Subscribers. And he just made this awesome video that felt i just had to share. Its way too funny. :)
when you tell them there's wet paint they has
to touch it?
QUOTE OF THE DAY: Beautiful Evidence is about the theory and practice of analytical design.
-Edward Tufte
QUESTION OF THE DAY: Why is it that when you tell a person there
are 400 billion stars they will believe you, butwhen you tell them there's wet paint they has
to touch it?
QUOTE OF THE DAY: Beautiful Evidence is about the theory and practice of analytical design.
-Edward Tufte
Stop Hate Crimes
Hate Crimes, They Still Happen. Recently my friend's brother was assaulted at a BP gas station in Detroit. Why? Simply because he was "too close". That shows the amount of ignorance there is in this world. During the assault inside the store, the clerk and the people there watched and some laughed, So here's a video so you will understand the situation better there will be an organization coming together to help put an end to hate crimes because there is no excuse. If your a person who's watching what's going on you are just as guilty as the person who did it, because you didn't speak up. SPEAK UP. You have a voice, use it.
Quick Post: Limited Time Offer!
Limited time gadget check it out on the left side of my homepage use your curser to put anywhere on the gadget screen and then watch the fish follow your every move! This Gadget will be up for a limited time. Hopefully it will help get more revenue and encourage readers to make their own blog! :) Check out this Random Video to help cheer up some people.
Since Justin Bieber is the new "Craze" .------------------------------------------------------------>
(IDK WHY) Deicide to show you guys this video, Hope you enjoy. No offense to any crazily offended girl stalker fans. Lol. :)
"You know you love me,I know you care
Just shout whenever, And I'll be there
You want my love, You want my heart
And we will never ever ever be apart"
Since Justin Bieber is the new "Craze" .------------------------------------------------------------>
(IDK WHY) Deicide to show you guys this video, Hope you enjoy. No offense to any crazily offended girl stalker fans. Lol. :)
"You know you love me,I know you care
Just shout whenever, And I'll be there
You want my love, You want my heart
And we will never ever ever be apart"
Talent Show Preview!
Here's a peak of the HFA:SCS Talent show. A Documentary Video is in progress and hopefully will be posted soon Watch this clip to see part of the talent-show.
Itzbaileyable Official Logo
This is my official logo for my website. New updates will be coming soon. Tell mw what are your thoughts on my logo? Does it need work? What can i do to make it more effective? Thank your views and comments are very well appreciated. you can contact me by viewing my contact page all the information is there. Thank you. : )
Quick Post: Malum Tv!
Hey Readers! Sorry I haven't updated in a week but hey i was on my Mid Winter Break, we americans need them Lol. (No Offense) . But the reason i wanted to update my blog is to draw your attention to the youtuber Malum. I enjoy listening to his songs and watching his entertaining videos.
QUESTION OF THE DAY: How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire?
Ah, the evil that men do...
Here we look at words about evil,
and the words of the evil.
Sometimes, the evil do not know they are evil,
Hope you like this quick post, Here's a quote and question of the day.
QUESTION OF THE DAY: How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire?
Ah, the evil that men do...
Here we look at words about evil,
and the words of the evil.
Sometimes, the evil do not know they are evil,
which brings us to question evil itself...
Not so cute, but it is the truth.
Not so cute, but it is the truth.
What do you think it means leave a comment or a video response.
Live Webshow!
Well i was finally able to get the live web show up, I'm not great at working with "html codes" and stuff. I will be uploading video's soon i am currently trying to get the right equipment so my videos won't look ghetto Lol. And in addition i am looking for members to help with the broadcasting, positions like a co host, technology producer, and others. "HMU" lol in other words Hit Me Up leave me a message comment or video response telling me what position you are interested in and you will be contacted. And remember to become a host or get a main position you must attend HFA:SCS or live or interact throughout the school. Also, leave me comments or contact me from my contact page about what my updates should be about. I was thinking somewhere along the lines of the Nickelodeon series iCarly, i don't know? iBailey? Rofl. Tell me do you agree? something different? Leave a comment or video response answering the questions above.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash you hands of afterwords."
-Robert Heinlein (1907-1988)
- - Become a Member and Comment Your Comments Mean A lot! Oh and check out the arcade its been updated to your taste! if you have any recommendations just leave me a comment or a message on my profile! Thanks!!! <3
"The Creep"
Lol, i just had to share this video, it's so funny. Lol. I wonder will this be the new JERK or DOUGIE? Lol. Im so gonna do this when we get back from break! Try it and see what people say : )
- - Become a Member and Comment Your Comments Mean A lot! Oh and check out the arcade its been updated to your taste! if you have any recommendations just leave me a comment or a message on my profile! Thanks!!! <3
Quick Post: Youtube Channel
Here's a quick post sharing my youtube channel and a couple videos on it. More post should be up soon, send me a topic! School is getting very dry especially since we are on break. :| Yeaa, but send me topics or any fun questions you want to be featured in my next blog update. :)
I used
In addition, the live webshow will start as soon as i get equipment.
I used
In addition, the live webshow will start as soon as i get equipment.
Quick Post: AmazingYoutubers
I just wanted to give a brief update saying check out these amazing youtubers they are my top fav's they are people i will actually wait for them to update.
The one and only, Shane Dawson! <3333
My 2nd Fave, Michelle Phan
Random Funny video i found and still cant stop watching!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! Oh i mean Happy Valentines Day! For you all who don't quite understand what St Valentines day is here's quick history lesson.
Most scholars believe that this St. Valentine was a priest who lived around 270 AD in Rome and attracted the disfavor of Roman emperor Claudius II who ruled during this time. The story of St. Valentine has two different versions - the Protestant and the Catholic one. Both versions agree upon Saint Valentine being a bishop who held secret marriage ceremonies of soldiers in opposition to Claudius II who had prohibited marriage for young men and was executed by the latter. Valentine decided to marry the men and women illegally and thus he was called to be executed. It is said that just before his execution, Valentine asked for a pen and paper from his jailor, and signed a farewell message to her "From Your Valentine," a phrase that lived ever after. It began to be annually observed by young Romans who offered handwritten greetings of affection, known as Valentines, on this day to the women they admired. With the coming of Christianity, the day came to be known as St. Valentine's Day. But it was only during the 14th century that St. Valentine's Day became definitively associated with love. UCLA medieval scholar Henry Ansgar Kelly, author of "Chaucer and the Cult of Saint Valentine", credits Chaucer as the one who first linked St. Valentine's Day with romance.
In Chaucer's "The Parliament of Fowls," the royal engagement, the mating season of birds, and St. Valentine's Day are related: "For this was on St. Valentine's Day, When every fowl cometh there to choose his mate." By the 18th century, gift-giving and exchanging hand-made cards on Valentine's Day had become common in England. Hand-made valentine cards made of lace, ribbons, and featuring cupids and hearts began to be created on this day and handed over to the man or woman one loved. It was not until the 1840s that Valentine's Day greeting cards began to be commercially produced in the U.S. The first American Valentine's Day greeting cards were created by Esther A.The "valentines", as Valentine's Day cards are better known as, are often designed with hearts to symbolize love. The Valentine's Day card spread with Christianity, and is now celebrated all over the world. There may be doubts regarding the actual identity of Valentine, but we know that he really existed because archaeologists have recently unearthed a Roman catacomb and an ancient church dedicated to a Saint Valentine.
Thats the summarized history of Valentines day! Here are some video's about St. Valentines Day i hope you enjoyed this update! HAVE A WONDERFUL VALENTINES DAY!! <3
"Every year, the fourteenth day of the month of February has millions across the world presenting their loved ones with candy, flowers, chocolates and other lovely gifts. In many countries, restaurants and eateries are seen to be filled with couples who are eager to celebrate their relationship and the joy of their togetherness through delicious cuisines. There hardly seems to be a young man or woman who is not keen to make the most of the day." -www.theholidayspot.comThe reason behind all of this is a kindly cleric named Valentine who died more than a thousand years ago. It is not exactly known why the 14th of February is known as Valentine's Day or if the noble Valentine really had any relation to this day. The history of Valentine's Day is impossible to be obtained from any archive and the veil of centuries gone by has made the origin behind this day more difficult to trace. He proclaimed February 14 to be the feast day in honor of Saint Valentine, a Roman martyr who lived in the 3rd century. It is this St. Valentine whom the modern Valentine's Day honors.
Most scholars believe that this St. Valentine was a priest who lived around 270 AD in Rome and attracted the disfavor of Roman emperor Claudius II who ruled during this time. The story of St. Valentine has two different versions - the Protestant and the Catholic one. Both versions agree upon Saint Valentine being a bishop who held secret marriage ceremonies of soldiers in opposition to Claudius II who had prohibited marriage for young men and was executed by the latter. Valentine decided to marry the men and women illegally and thus he was called to be executed. It is said that just before his execution, Valentine asked for a pen and paper from his jailor, and signed a farewell message to her "From Your Valentine," a phrase that lived ever after. It began to be annually observed by young Romans who offered handwritten greetings of affection, known as Valentines, on this day to the women they admired. With the coming of Christianity, the day came to be known as St. Valentine's Day. But it was only during the 14th century that St. Valentine's Day became definitively associated with love. UCLA medieval scholar Henry Ansgar Kelly, author of "Chaucer and the Cult of Saint Valentine", credits Chaucer as the one who first linked St. Valentine's Day with romance.
In Chaucer's "The Parliament of Fowls," the royal engagement, the mating season of birds, and St. Valentine's Day are related: "For this was on St. Valentine's Day, When every fowl cometh there to choose his mate." By the 18th century, gift-giving and exchanging hand-made cards on Valentine's Day had become common in England. Hand-made valentine cards made of lace, ribbons, and featuring cupids and hearts began to be created on this day and handed over to the man or woman one loved. It was not until the 1840s that Valentine's Day greeting cards began to be commercially produced in the U.S. The first American Valentine's Day greeting cards were created by Esther A.The "valentines", as Valentine's Day cards are better known as, are often designed with hearts to symbolize love. The Valentine's Day card spread with Christianity, and is now celebrated all over the world. There may be doubts regarding the actual identity of Valentine, but we know that he really existed because archaeologists have recently unearthed a Roman catacomb and an ancient church dedicated to a Saint Valentine.
Thats the summarized history of Valentines day! Here are some video's about St. Valentines Day i hope you enjoyed this update! HAVE A WONDERFUL VALENTINES DAY!! <3
Quick Post! Updates.
Just wanted to say Subscribe to me on youtube! i could use more traffic! Here's a Link!
Two New Pages are completed! The live web show is completed the app is finally up , second the all about me page is up! Tell me if you think anymore pages are necessary. Thats about it 5 minute update Enjoy this video. Amazingly its one the most popular video's on youtube. IKR Wow. Tell me what you think. : )
QUESTION OF THE DAY: "You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What's it gonna be?"
Tell me if you want any other weird questions or even ask me! I'll answer them. : )
Two New Pages are completed! The live web show is completed the app is finally up , second the all about me page is up! Tell me if you think anymore pages are necessary. Thats about it 5 minute update Enjoy this video. Amazingly its one the most popular video's on youtube. IKR Wow. Tell me what you think. : )
Tell me if you want any other weird questions or even ask me! I'll answer them. : )
Quick Post: More Followers! (Very Random) Lol.
Ok. So, Its been a while? Huh? Well Im back... I guess This Time its time to get serious!!! We need More members!! 13? Wow. Really thats the best i can do?!? I think NOT!!! So come on tell your friends Tell Your Friends Friends!! Tell People You See Randomly Walking Down the Street Tell The Hobo's!!! We HAve libraries for reasons!! What Person would deny a hobo Computer and internet access... ? Umm.. Not a nice one i'll tell you that!! So the Point of all of that Was "SHARE THIS WEBSITE!!!" ill give you a ... Cookie. Will that make you happy? [*i make no promises.*] Haha. So Tell Your Silly Buddies....And yes i just said "SILLY BUDDIES" but hey im tired... So any way Tell your Silly Buddies! And Silly Campers! And...oh forget it.. Tell everyone you know about this website!! And you might Win a Cookie!!!!! Oh. yes I said it Your Very Own Cookie!! 
Site Owner!!
Are you a anime fan? Do you like to read manga? Do you enjoy watching the movies, videos and T.V. shows?
Recently at school we have been learning about different cultures our group was assigned Entertainment in Japan and China or either one. We learned about the different types of Entertainment but we focused on specifically Television and music in the process we learned about Two singing groups I believe they are Korean? (Dont quote me I'm not sure) but anyway there music was addictive Haha we played it about 10 times each! : ) They even have music videos.
Girls Generation: This is one of the groups, Girls Generation, song entitled "Gee"
KARA (K-POP): This is the group Kara or in America called K-Pop this is their song "Honey"
And on top of that we learned about anime series specifically Ouran High School Host Club, NANA (My favorite series #1), Inuyasha (2nd Fave) , Inuyasha: The Final Act, Mermaid Melody or in Japanese pronounced Pitchi Pitchi Pitch and a couple other series. Here are links to the anime series:
Ouran High School Host Club:
Inuyasha: The Final Act:’s-heart
Mermaid Melody (Pitchi Pitch Pitch):
Thats about it for now, if you want to know more more about other great anime series message me on my profile page or leave a comment. I will be sure to reply.
- Become a Member and Comment Your Comments Mean Alot! Oh and check out the arcade its been updated to your taste! if you have any recomendations just leave me a comment or a message on my profile! Thanks!!! <3
Recently at school we have been learning about different cultures our group was assigned Entertainment in Japan and China or either one. We learned about the different types of Entertainment but we focused on specifically Television and music in the process we learned about Two singing groups I believe they are Korean? (Dont quote me I'm not sure) but anyway there music was addictive Haha we played it about 10 times each! : ) They even have music videos.
Girls Generation: This is one of the groups, Girls Generation, song entitled "Gee"
KARA (K-POP): This is the group Kara or in America called K-Pop this is their song "Honey"
And on top of that we learned about anime series specifically Ouran High School Host Club, NANA (My favorite series #1), Inuyasha (2nd Fave) , Inuyasha: The Final Act, Mermaid Melody or in Japanese pronounced Pitchi Pitchi Pitch and a couple other series. Here are links to the anime series:
Ouran High School Host Club:
Inuyasha: The Final Act:’s-heart
Mermaid Melody (Pitchi Pitch Pitch):
Thats about it for now, if you want to know more more about other great anime series message me on my profile page or leave a comment. I will be sure to reply.
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Awesome Poem!
Ok so I was watching my second favorite anime series (INUYASHA) which to be honest I think I'm in love with. Lol. But anyway I was watching an episode again for old times sake and i came across this song I think its so beautiful, but im having trouble understanding what it means. Read it and tell me what your views on it are.
Tell me what you think is it good? Yes, ... No? Leave a comment or a video response.
Here's a question: Name 3 things in nature you find beautiful.
My Answer:
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"Pure becomes impure...
Impure becomes pure...
Good is bad...
Bad is Good...
To live is to die...
And to die is to live..."
Tell me what you think is it good? Yes, ... No? Leave a comment or a video response.
Here's a question: Name 3 things in nature you find beautiful.
My Answer:
- Life
- Plants and Animals
- The Mystery of Earth and the surrounding Galaxies
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Dehumanization Question.
So in both E.L.A. (English Language Arts) and Social Studies we have been discussing the topic dehumanization and how the first European settlers dehumanized the Native Americans and Africans or African Americans. In English Language Arts we were given this analytical question see if you can answer it.
Dehumanization is a dangerous weapon of destruction that can lead to fatal consequences. If we could talk to the first European settlers of America, how would they justify their dehumanization of Native Americans and Africans? How would hey defend their conquest while still believing in equality and freedom for "all" being essential to the growth and prosperity of the United States? Do you agree? Defend you response with details and evidence.
I know right , Wow. Thats going to talk allot of brain power and unpacking. So anyway staying on topic i was searching dehumanization on Google and Google images came up and i thought "Ok maybe i can find some images to help give a visual bonus to my topic/question" and I was scrolling down... and then i came accross this picture.. O_O!
Wow... If that isn't Dehumanization what is? That makes you think twice about weather or not the government can censor the internet.
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Dehumanization is a dangerous weapon of destruction that can lead to fatal consequences. If we could talk to the first European settlers of America, how would they justify their dehumanization of Native Americans and Africans? How would hey defend their conquest while still believing in equality and freedom for "all" being essential to the growth and prosperity of the United States? Do you agree? Defend you response with details and evidence.
I know right , Wow. Thats going to talk allot of brain power and unpacking. So anyway staying on topic i was searching dehumanization on Google and Google images came up and i thought "Ok maybe i can find some images to help give a visual bonus to my topic/question" and I was scrolling down... and then i came accross this picture.. O_O!
Wow... If that isn't Dehumanization what is? That makes you think twice about weather or not the government can censor the internet.
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Lemonhead song?
Today in art we had a substitute who kept telling us to "Shhh" the whole time and he was the main one talking. And then when a couple of students continues to talk he made them stand and look at the white board (Like we used to do in kindergarten.) and he drew a bulls eye on the board and made the students stare at it and then he timed them, so he made their punishment into a game? Wow. Lol. However on top of that, he later showed us a video of him. Normal right? But it turns out he made a music video! In the music video he raps about lemonheads, because they are good? Well i can't really explain it too much its... Yea. so watch it here in the link below:
If you couldn't view the video please click the link provided below:
If you couldn't view the video please click the link provided below:
Expose page Conclusion..
So Obviously, ...
1. The people can't spell
2. They must have been bored?
3. It amuses people to see themselves targeted?
So the main idea of the blog post was... Hmm... Ehh Im not sure.. leave a comment or video response telling me what you thought the point was or tell me about any big things that you found interesting.
-Become a Member and Comment Your Comments Mean Alot! Oh and check out the arcade its been updated to your taste! if you have any recomendations just leave me a comment or a message on my profile! Thanks!!! <3
1. The people can't spell
2. They must have been bored?
3. It amuses people to see themselves targeted?
So the main idea of the blog post was... Hmm... Ehh Im not sure.. leave a comment or video response telling me what you thought the point was or tell me about any big things that you found interesting.
-Become a Member and Comment Your Comments Mean Alot! Oh and check out the arcade its been updated to your taste! if you have any recomendations just leave me a comment or a message on my profile! Thanks!!! <3
Expose Page!
So, recently at our school there have been recent accounts that are named different things like Expose you or something of that nature. The latest Expose page page is named "Mustangsgoing Hammer" They have been updating their status like.. every 10 minutes (Who does that?!) Talking about other people in the school specifically... Ehh I don't know how to say it. But here's the page.. Remember all of this is quoted and is not my words. :
P.S. The Profile has been edited to protect other Facebook users who's accounts were featured on the page. So any links that were on the page have been canceled.
P.S. The Profile has been edited to protect other Facebook users who's accounts were featured on the page. So any links that were on the page have been canceled.
"Mustangsgoing Hammer
Went to Henry Ford Academy Born on June 6, 1993
See Friendship
49 Mutual Friends
Mustangsgoing is now friends with 'reverse Rose' and 5 other peopleJaybay Heartbreakn Queen
A'yo Darkskinn
Bhadd'Åsz Mê
Imani Williams
Badd Luckk Charm.
Carmisha SlaytonWtf going on with this Mustangsgoing Hammer ok I made jamia gillups but who the fuck made this..!- RECENT ACTIVITY
Mustangsgoing is now friends with Ceeaira Ciara Ciera and 3 other peopleBailey SaysRawr
Ayo Igotcash Carter
Kori Simone.
"Yo Burnt ass damn you look just..." on Earl Anderson's Wall.
· See Friendship
Mustangsgoing is now friends with Jo' Jo and 9 other peopleLindsay Alyssa
'Prétty Rédbóñé
Aaron Jamal Slaughter
Nick Shafer
Βαβψ Ζαγε Βψρδ
Ayoo Juss Charii
Dejah McCoy
Gabrielle Dapremont
Patrice Brown.
Mustangsgoing is now friends with _____ and
10 other people
Mustangsgoing is now friends with Jaylen Tate and 9 other peopleÑÿjä Ńìjãh Nïÿjāh
Poloboi Zeke Williams
Amari Perkins
HoodRich Jay
Frøzen Køłdd
Bossman Naj
Hco'Jalen Clark
Jay Mariie
Appentice Banks Kenneth.
Mustangsgoing is now friends with Evan Crawford and 9 other peopleCallmee Tamiaa
J'Aime Juteux Couture
Charlisa Rocksemomusic Mayes
Dhát Kídd Jõšh Tãkkîñ
CheY'ah Bbe
Earl Anderson
Imani Blowin Himkisses
Raven PrettygirlSwagg Greene
Stephanie Fordum.
Mustangsgoing is now friends with Issabelle Elcock and 9 other peopleTèAmo Dèstiny
KiidHollister Boom
Carmisha Slayton
Angelic Ivana
Caitlin Taylor
Snowflake Beseein Birds
Lovely Tiyah
Torrie Jane't
Glisteñiñg Shiiñing Starr.- 3 more similar stories
Mustangsgoing changed his profile picture.
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