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My Junior Year: Internship Journal Entry 4

College for Creative Studies: Product Design Department
Week #4
3/3 – 3/9

 Week four of my internship I took the ACT. I did not earn any hours this week because of the intensity and stress from the ACT. I studied for the ACT for months and took a few classes in preparation, though I feel confident about my scores, I am positive that this will not be the last time I will take the ACT. Therefore I plan on attending a summer class that will better prepare me to improve my score.
However, I did meet briefly with my practicum mentor, a college student of their junior year studying product design – Victor Pereira. We discussed what homework I needed to do for the week, this included sketching and coming up with a finalized look for my gaming console, in addition designing the physical armor for the user.
I brainstormed and contacted Victor for further questions because Professor Schock was out of town with product design students who were apart of the Warrior Studio. They visited Boston to tour the headquarters for new design inspirations and for a chance to connect with Warrior professionals. Since I have finalized my plans, the theme for my console is a projection based console that displays the environment of the game onto the environment, images over the room the user is in changes according to your movements and gestures.


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